Thursday 22 September 2011

PL1 Interview questions

What is the use of DEFINED attribute in DCL statement?
DEFINED attribute indicates that the variable is mapped on storage of another variable. This process is called Overlay defining.

What is the difference between DEFINED attribute and LIKE atrribute.
DEFINED attribute maps the variable to storage of another variable. LIKE attribute allocates storage similar to another variable.

What is the difference between bulitin fuction VERIFY and INDEX? 
INDEX(x,y) returns the starting position of the string y within string
x. Returns 0 if y not present in x.
Verify(x,y) returns the first position in x where any character in
y is not in string 1. If all characters in x are contained in y, result is zero.

What are the CONDITIONS in PL/1?
CONDITION is an interrupt to the program. A CONDITION has to be handled using ON statement.

How we can disable the enabled CONDITIONS.
REVERT statement cancels the existing ON unit for the specified condition.

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